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How to care for your fringe

A fringe requires regular upkeep, regardless of the size and shape you go for. Whether you do it at home or at the hairdresser’s, make sure you trim it and look after it to enhance your haircut.
For a flawless fringe, try not to play with it too often. “If your fringe tends to go greasy easily, careful not to play with it unnecessarily. And if your fringe is in permanent contact with your forehead, apply oil-free products to your skin. Style your fringe day-to-day so that it is slightly rounded. That way it won’t stick to your forehead. “
A long fringe requires more work than a short fringe as you need to stop it from growing into your eyes. “A long fringe needs to be cut more regularly than a short fringe so that it doesn’t end up blocking your vision. Make sure you think about this before deciding to go for a fringe.”
For a flawless fringe, visit the salon to have your hairdresser cut it for you. “If your fringe has a kink, don’t risk cutting it yourself: you need a professional to cut it neatly.” However, you can also cut it at home as long as you stick to a few rules. “If your hair is supple and you leave your fringe natural, you can cut it yourself as long as you think about a few small details. You mustn’t cut your fringe in one go, you need to do it bit by bit with the ends of a pair of scissors. And to avoid it being too wide, cut only the sections between the edges your eyebrows.”
Our tip: If your fringe goes greasy more quickly than the rest of your hair, use dry shampoo. Spray it across your roots and leave it to soak in for a few minutes before combing your hair so that your fringe looks just as fresh as the rest!
© Pixelformula/Cacharel prêt-à-porter show, Spring-Summer 2013 © Jean Louis David

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The expert Jean Louis David

Vanessa Giani

Head of training in Paris

Vanessa Giani