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Julie’s most radical hair change

“I love having a fringe. A lot of people think I must be hiding an embarrassingly large forehead under my fringe, but I’m not! I think fringes boost and add a personal touch to simple haircuts. And this year I’ve gone one step further with a short fringe…
I came across this fringe in a women’s magazine and fell in love with it instantly. I couldn’t bring myself to have it done straightaway, but I thought it had that something extra compared to other fringes. More original, more structured, more retro. But it took me a few weeks to pluck up the courage to go to the hairdresser’s. Until then I had a long, full fringe, very structured but also pretty generic. The short fringe has a more graphic edge, and the risk was that it could’ve made my facial features look more severe.
After weeks of umming and aahing I finally went to see my hairdresser to see what she thought! She had no objections. I have a fairly fine face and mid-length hair, which is perfect for this type of fringe. Whereas a short fringe on short hair is best saved for the catwalks!
In terms of upkeep, nothing’s really changed. I used to straighten my fringe all the time anyway, and I’ve just kept on doing it. But so that my short fringe stays short, I have to get it cut more often. But I don’t regret my decision. I get a lot of compliments about my short fringe… I love it!”

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