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Styles and trends

Summer evening look: the sleek half-ponytail

Looking for the perfect hairstyle for an evening summer party? Why not give this simple and timeless up-do that was recently spotted on the Mother OF Pearl runway at Fashion Week a try?
The trend. Long locks work in a sleek up-do hairstyle. Roots were slicked backwards to open up the wearer’s face. Lengths, meanwhile, were straightened and fell gently down the back. This parting-free look gave the runway models a simple, yet sophisticated, feel.
Get the look. You can wear this look whenever and wherever you fancy! Nevertheless, the half-ponytail is oh-so perfect for a summer evening as it is quick to create, easy to wear and will keep your hair in place for hours on end. It’s also ideal for drawing attention to your make-up; opt for a fresh-faced complexion that is natural and best-suited to the warmer months.
Step-by-step tutorial. Start by working with freshly-washed, dry hair that is tangle-free. Apply a heat-protective spray to your lengths, then straighten carefully. Separate into two sections; one just above the ears and one below. Gather the upper section into a ponytail and secure with a hair tie. Next, apply a small amount of gel for a sleek finish. Keep your lower section free from product and spray all over with hairspray to complete the look.
© PixelFormula, Mother Of Pearl prêt-à-porter runway, Spring-Summer 2015

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