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Streetstyle: looking after your moustache

His hair. In keeping with his overall dark horse, rocker style. Our streetstyle of the day has parted his hair to the side and created a slight wave reminiscent of a rockabilly quiff. Set in place using gel, the hairstyle starts from the front of the head and forms a wave. For a perfect result, he has chosen a perfectly slick hairstyle teamed with an orderly moustache. Trimmed with scissors, it follows the contours of his lips and stops at the corners.
His look . Both dark horse and rock-inspired. Dressed all in back, he sports a strict look with his shirt buttoned right up to the neck and teamed with a black suit. His Bordeaux creepers are the only hint of colour to be seen in his outfit. To protect his eyes from the sun, he wears a pair of round shades and a back pack he can throw his things into when he goes out.
Tip of the day. For a shipshape moustache, comb through it with a moustache brush. This will allow you to even out the hairs and chop off any that have grown too long.
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