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Styles and trends

Streetstyle: A wavy dip-dye for faultless hair

Her look? Very eclectic. Our fashionista teams a casual sweater with loose, leopard-print trousers and a heather-grey jacket. Chic accessories and immaculate hair make this an edgy yet cleverly thought-out look. For those who like to keep on top of the trends without going over the top, we recommend the casual but chic sweater, which could be decorated with cut-out lace or leather details. We also love the way she wears her beanie! As it’s not pulled down too far, it remains stylish and doesn’t ruin her hairstyle
Her hair? A bold dip-dye! This light brunette has opted for light and bright ends. Her hair, which has been well looked after, stays shiny and supple despite the colour treatment. It’s no secret that to keep your hair looking healthy it’s important to visit your hairdresser regularly and look after your hair at home. We also love her wavy mid-lengths and ends for an irresistible Californian style.
Tip of the day. Visit your hairdresser for a custom-made colour. They’ll be able to give you a colour that suits you and really brings out your cut. No secrets; to make sure the results last, look after your hair at home using products for coloured hair. Or alternate with products for blonde hair on your mid-lengths and ends.

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