Caring for greasy hair
Natacha Gunsburger's views on plant-based charcoal
Could you briefly introduce yourself?
Natacha Gunsburger. I’m a naturopath and Weight loss & Detox coach with a degree in naturopathy, aromatherapy and reflexology. As a trained beauty therapist, I have also taught organic beauty therapy to a great deal of professionals. Alongside this I lead on-site workshops in companies and work as a consultant in Paris. I’m also the author of “Mon Coach Naturo, mon programme sur-mesure pour vivre en pleine santé” (Naturopathy Coach, my personalised programme for healthy living) published by Eyrolles, and I designed La Méthode des 4 Profils®, a modern and expanded vision of naturopathy, which I impart through coaching and my publications.
What is plant-based charcoal?
N.G. In the olden days charcoal was made from minerals (coal, anthracite, etc.) and even animal products (fresh bones).
Nowadays charcoal is only made from plant matter: wood (pine, oak, beech, willow, etc.) or shells (coconut, peanut, etc.). After being burnt to a crisp, the raw material is activated with water vapour and air, at a temperature sometimes of up to 1000 degrees, under high pressure. Active (or activated) charcoal is essentially made up of carbon and comes in the form of a lightweight black powder. It has an extraordinarily large absorbent surface area of 1000 to 3000 m2 for just 1 gram of activated charcoal!
What are the properties of plant-based charcoal?
N.G. As by magic, plant-based charcoal forms a highly dense network of pores, varying in size, which draws in molecules (toxins and pollutants) and captures them until they are eliminated. This is what we call adsorption capacity which makes activated charcoal a real detox powerhouse!
However, be sure to choose a pure, high quality charcoal! It must be activated (or even super-activated) to be effective.
What are the benefits of plant-based charcoal?
N.G. Plant-based charcoal is particularly useful for people whose complexion is sallow and dull (from pollution, stress, smoking, being sedentary for long periods, etc.) and for greasy, grimy or acne-prone skin, as it absorbs both sebum and grime. Besides being effective, plant-based charcoal is very well tolerated by the skin, and therefore suitable for almost anyone.
And more specifically, what effects does it have on the hair?
N.G. For greasy, dull and lifeless hair suffocated by urban pollution, plant-based charcoal is an ideal purifying and oxygenating agent. Plus, it rids your locks of haircare product residue without drying them out!
How do you use it to take care of your hair?
N.G. The best charcoal-containing beauty products for your hair are masks, shampoos and conditioners. As an intensive 21-day detox treatment or as a regular day-to-day treatment, it will be your hair’s best friend, whether it be coloured, greasy, dandruff-prone or dull and brittle.
The result? Shiny, light-catching, oxygenated locks full of vitality, and reshaped curls if you have curly hair.
Is it suitable for all hair types?
N.G. Yes, all hair types can reap the benefits of charcoal, especially hair subjected to pollution and colouring treatments. In this case, you can do two or three treatments a year to deeply detoxify it. However, those with greasy hair and problem scalps stand to benefit most from day-to-day use of this magic powder!
Does plant-based charcoal tend to dry the hair out? If so, what should it be mixed with to make a treatment that both detoxifies and hydrates?
N.G. Plant-based charcoal does not dry out the hair when left to work for only a short time. However, in case of very dry hair or hair that has suffered the effects of extreme weather (intense sun exposure or cold, strong winds, etc.), it can dry out the hair slightly. The same is true of any absorbing ingredient (clay, talc, etc.). To prevent this from occurring, you can add some aloe vera gel or plant-based squalane to the mix for an effective softening and hydrating treatment!
Find out more on her blog blog www.lamethodedesquatreprofils.bio

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