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Styles and trends

Lisa, 25: “Dishevelled hair for a neo-grunge style”

Your look? As a teenager I swore by figure-hugging clothes and tops that revealed my belly button. Looking back at these photos today, I would’ve been a prime competitor for a “Miss Indecent” pageant, if one existed! Basically, I was clueless about fashion for a long time but I eventually managed to find my own style. I now tend to go for loose-fit pastels which I contrast with dark, rock-chick accessories.
Your hairstyle? I have thick hair, which means I can play around with the volume. It took my hair a long time to grow this long, and I must confess I even cheated with extensions at one point! But finally today I can wear my thick, long hair with pride. Either I leave it down and natural, or work it into big, backcombed retro up-dos.
Your look today? Though I like to give off a somewhat sensible image, the last thing I want is to look too prim and proper. Hairstyles are a way of expressing yourself! This season, I’ve taken my inspiration from what I’ve seen in magazines and on the catwalks. I like the idea of deliberately wild hair. To get this slightly roughed up effect, I apply a styling mousse when my hair is wet, then blow-dry, working it with my fingers.

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