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Styles and trends

Winter hair trends you should ditch come springtime

Every year, different styles and colours go in and out of fashion. They make us happy and add a touch of originality to your style, but after a few months you’re ready to try a new one. There are a few styles you should definitely cut loose for 2014. Let’s take a look at last year’s worst offenders.
The crazy-coloured dip dyeDip dye has been a huge trend for the past couple of years, and involves dyeing the ends of the hair a lighter shade than the roots. The  dip dye colour works with the wearer’s natural hair colour at the roots, and uses a colourful dye to lighten the mid-lengths and ends. However, what was once considered a unique colour effect with rebellious flair is now tired and unoriginal. In fact, rather than making you appear younger, the colour contrast can look tacky. So, although subtle ombré hair is still acceptable, stay well away from unnatural hair colours.
The mulletEvery year has its ‘throwback’ style. In 2013, it was the mullet that made a comeback. And, despite even footballers deciding to let this style go, die-hard fashionistas brought the look back to life. The signature Joan Jett style is certainly one to drop for 2014. It’s not structured, doesn’t look great and lacks femininity, so start phasing this look out of our wardrobes now! Don’t be too disappointed though, as there’s sure to be a new 80s hairstyle that will be back in trend soon
Animal printLove it or hate it. Some of us will have animal print curtains, socks and even hairstyles believe it or not! Not a good look, so think about toning down your look and love of animal print. The print itself can cheapen your appearance and is impractical for your days at work. If you can’t imagine your life without animal print, keep this look for a night out with friends with a funky look, but stay away from animal-inspired daytime hairstyles. Don’t even think about wearing animal print hair this summer as complicated hair colour will not last when the weather starts to heat up.
© Pixelformula /Ralph Lauren prêt-à-porter runway, spring-summer 2013 © Jean Louis David

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